What would I have done if I was African American and in the situation that the majority of African Americans were after the war?
From the beginning when our country was formed there were slaves. I know for a fact I would not want to be a slave in the south. If I had to be owned by someone I would want to be owned by President George Washington. He was a slave owner but he was kind and probably the most thoughtful of slave owners. If the slaves had families or were married he would not let them get separated. Even if he didn’t need the slaves he would not sell them because he didn’t want to separate the families or the husband and wife. George Washington also worked with Congress to allow slaves to work for their freedom by joining the army. If they enlisted they could work off their freedom by fighting in wars.
However, if I was a slave and the war was because of me and how some people still wanted to possess slaves, I would have tried to escape. That is if I didn’t get my wish to be Washington’s slave. I would want to run away and join a group of people and help with the war against slaves. I would want to die trying instead of being owned and not have rights. I don’t know if it would be worth the risk if I was caught but my situation might have been better to escape because I am a woman and who knows what type of treatment I was getting.